department budget 意味

発音を聞く:   department budgetの例文
  • 部門予算


        budget department:    予算課{よさん か}、予算部門{よさん ぶもん}
        examine the budget request from the department:    その部署{ぶしょ}からの予算請求{よさん せいきゅう}を調査{ちょうさ}する
        department:     department n. 部門; (米英の行政組織の)省; (英国の行政組織の)局, 部; (大学などの)学科. 【動詞+】 It affects all departments of life. それは人生のあらゆる方面に影響を及ぼす change departments 学科を変える close (down) a department ある部門を
        in that department:    その点では
        budget:     1budget n. 予算, 経費; 生活費. 【動詞+】 The birth of children adds greatly to one's budget. 子供が生まれると生活費が著しくふえる announce the budget for the 1998 fiscal year 1998 年度の予算案を発表する Congress approve
        budget for:    予算に組む、~に予算を割り当てる、~のために予算を立てる、~を考慮に入れる
        on a budget:    余分{よぶん}な出費{しゅっぴ}は避けて、限られた予算{よさん}で They want to travel to Europe on a budget. 彼らは限られた予算内でヨーロッパを旅行したい。
        department of the navy ; navy department:    {組織} : 海軍省
        department of war ; war department:    {組織} : (米国の以前の)陸軍省
        (department) store(s):    (department) store(s) 百貨店 ひゃっかてん
        academic department:    一般教養学科{いっぱん きょうよう がっか}
        accession department:    受入部{うけいれぶ}
        accountants' department:    経理部{けいり ぶ}
        accounting department:    経理部{けいり ぶ}、経理課{けいり か}
        accounts department:    会計部{かいけいぶ}、会計課{かいけい か}


  1. "department (faculty) of literature" 意味
  2. "department (or school) of technology, engineering or science" 意味
  3. "department administration" 意味
  4. "department audit" 意味
  5. "department authorities promised to do their best to eradicate internal corruption" 意味
  6. "department burden rate" 意味
  7. "department charge" 意味
  8. "department chief" 意味
  9. "department chief's room" 意味
  10. "department audit" 意味
  11. "department authorities promised to do their best to eradicate internal corruption" 意味
  12. "department burden rate" 意味
  13. "department charge" 意味

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