on march 28 , 1873 takanobu offered to serve in the department of the navy and was attached to navy headquarters . 明治6年(1873年)3月28日海軍省に出仕し水兵本部課所属となる。
instead , the department of war and the department of the navy were newly established at the request of satsuma clique and choshu clique . そして、薩摩閥および長州閥からの要望により、陸軍省と海軍省が新たに置かれた。
it was ruled that ' shokan ' will be placed as a minister (appendix ) according to the department of war regulations , however , there was no specification in the department of the navy regulations (see appendix ). ただ、陸軍省官制では大臣に「将官」をあてると定め(別表)、海軍省官制では特に定めを置かなかった(別表参照)。
in december of the same year , the department of war was abolished and became the department of veterans affairs i , the department of the navy was abolished and became the department of veterans affairs ii; the military ministers was reorganized and dismantled . 同年12月、陸軍省は廃止されて第一復員省へ、海軍省は廃止されて第二復員省へ、それぞれ改組されて軍部大臣は消滅した。
in june 13 , 1913 , with the first yamamoto cabinet , the department of war and the department of the navy were revised; the rule to limit the military ministers ' appointing authority to only active officers was crossed off (appended table , appendix ). 1913年(大正2年)6月13日、第1次山本内閣において、陸軍省官制および海軍省官制を改正して、軍部大臣の補任資格を現役将官に限るとの規定を削除した(附表、別表)。