detective-sergeant 意味

  • {名} : 部長刑事{ぶちょう けいじ}


        detective sergeant:    {名} :
        sergeant:     sergeant n. 〔軍事〕 軍曹, 曹長, 下士官. 【形容詞 名詞+】 an Air Force sergeant 空軍曹長 a buck sergeant 《米》 最下級の軍曹 a color sergeant 軍旗護衛下士官 a desk sergeant 内勤の軍曹 a drill sergeant 訓練係軍曹
        detective:     detective n. 探偵; 刑事. 【動詞+】 baffle a detective 刑事をまく detail detectives to follow a suspect 刑事を派遣して容疑者を尾行させる elude a detective 刑事(の追跡)をかわす hire a detective 探偵を雇う put a
        army sergeant:    陸軍軍曹{りくぐん ぐんそう}
        color sergeant:    旗手{きしゅ}、軍旗護衛下士官
        command sergeant:    《軍事》米陸軍の下士官◆兵の階級の一つ
        desk sergeant:    内勤の軍曹
        drill sergeant:    {1} : 新兵訓練係の軍曹 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : 鬼軍曹
        first sergeant:    《軍事》曹長{そうちょう}、米陸軍の下士官?兵の階級の一つ
        flight sergeant:    空軍軍曹{くうぐん ぐんそう}
        gunnery sergeant:    《軍事》米海兵隊の下士官◆兵の階級の一つ
        hardhearted sergeant:    鬼軍曹
        lance sergeant:    軍曹勤務伍長{ぐんそう きんむ ごちょう}
        major sergeant:    《軍事》米陸軍の下士官◆兵の階級の一つ
        master sergeant:    master sergeant 曹長 そうちょう


  1. "detective superintendent" 意味
  2. "detective threshold" 意味
  3. "detective wore silk drawers" 意味
  4. "detective work" 意味
  5. "detective's memoirs" 意味
  6. "detectives are employed to ferret out people's secrets" 意味
  7. "detectives have been investigating these deaths" 意味
  8. "detectives have staked out the house" 意味
  9. "detectives sped to the scene" 意味
  10. "detective work" 意味
  11. "detective's memoirs" 意味
  12. "detectives are employed to ferret out people's secrets" 意味
  13. "detectives have been investigating these deaths" 意味

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