discourtesy 意味

発音を聞く   discourtesyの例文


  1. and discourtesy is unspeakably ugly to me .
    そして私は無礼な言動というものに 言いようのない怒りを覚える。
  2. i'm sawada mikako . i'm terribly sorry for my discourtesy at that time .
    沢田美香子と申します。 その節は 大変失礼致しました。
  3. his discourtesy made masamichi takatsukasa , kanpaku (chief adviser to the emperor ), furious and akiteru was dismissed from kurodo in november 1847 and from other posts including sashoben (minor controller of the left ) in january 1848 . (the official record reads that he tendered his letter of resignation voluntarily .)
  4. in 1158 when he held the rank of shogoinoge (senior fifth rank , lower grade ) and the office of shonagon (lesser councilor of state ), there was an incident where fujiwara no nobuyori cut across in front of tadamichi , who was then a chief adviser to the emperor; low ranked people serving tadamichi destroyed nobuyori ' s car for his discourtesy .
  5. although the details of the incident was unknown , in the article of the next day , there is a comment on the spread of the rumor , in which that he was said to received divine punishment due to his discourtesy related to tsunemitsu ' s management in the clerical work at takebe-taisha shrine in omi province (although , it is not known the exact background nor details ).



  1. "discourteous cabdriver" 意味
  2. "discourteous manner" 意味
  3. "discourteous rather than pleasing" 意味
  4. "discourteously" 意味
  5. "discourteousness" 意味
  6. "discourtesy to other people" 意味
  7. "discover" 意味
  8. "discover (a) plagiarism" 意味
  9. "discover a big crack on the wall" 意味
  10. "discourteously" 意味
  11. "discourteousness" 意味
  12. "discourtesy to other people" 意味
  13. "discover" 意味

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