discovered 意味

発音を聞く:   discoveredの例文
  • 《be ~》暴露する、露見する、発覚{はっかく}する、ばれる


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. because new ones are being discovered all the time .
  2. but i've discovered the ecology not in the writings .
    でも 書物にない生態も分かったわ
  3. she discovered the bands weak point in an instant !
  4. i discovered it . it's the old airconditioning system .
    見つけたの 古いエアコンよ
  5. i have some new data that i discovered and ...
    私は幾つか新しいデータを発見した そして...



  1. "discover which forms are more frequent in speech compared with writing" 意味
  2. "discover with a microscope" 意味
  3. "discover your own strengths and weaknesses" 意味
  4. "discovera plot" 意味
  5. "discoverable" 意味
  6. "discovered a word" 意味
  7. "discovered after half a century" 意味
  8. "discovered between a company employee and a client" 意味
  9. "discovered by" 意味
  10. "discovera plot" 意味
  11. "discoverable" 意味
  12. "discovered a word" 意味
  13. "discovered after half a century" 意味

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