disembodied spirits of the dead
spirits of the dead
: spirits of the dead 幽魂 ゆうこん
: {形} : 肉体{にくたい}のない
bonfire for speeding the spirits of the dead
: 送り火
dedicated to the spirits of the war dead
: 《be ~》英霊{えいれい}にささげられる
sending off the spirits of the dead
: sending off the spirits of the dead 魂送り 霊送り たまおくり
spirits of the war dead
: 英霊{えいれい}
spirits of war dead
: spirits of war dead 英霊 えいれい
welcoming the spirits of the dead
: welcoming the spirits of the dead 魂迎え たまむかえ
the coming of amida buddha to welcome the spirits of the dead
: the coming of Amida Buddha to welcome the spirits of the dead 来迎 らいごう
disembodied soul
: disembodied soul 人魂 ひとだま
disembodied spirit
: 亡霊{ぼうれい}
: spirits スピリッツ
disembodied technical progress
: 体化されない技術進歩
: 1dead n. 死者たち; もっとも生気のない時間. 【動詞+】 bury the dead 死者を埋葬する Let us bury the dead. 私たちの死んだ仲間を埋葬させてください Let the dead bury their dead. その死人を葬ることは死人にまかせておくがよい; 過去にはかまうな (Matt. 8: 22)
dead of
: 《be ~》~で死亡する
"disembarrass someone of his burden" 意味
"disembarrassment" 意味
"disembodied" 意味
"disembodied soul" 意味
"disembodied spirit" 意味
"disembodied technical progress" 意味
"disembodiment" 意味
"disembody" 意味
"disembogue" 意味
"disembodied soul" 意味
"disembodied spirit" 意味
"disembodied technical progress" 意味
"disembodiment" 意味
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