- 一般大衆{いっぱん たいしゅう}からの熱狂的{ねっきょう てき}な反響{はんきょう}を呼ぶ
draw enthusiastic response from the general public 意味
- "draw down supplies of natural gas" 意味
- "draw down the blinds" 意味
- "draw down the curtain on act ii" 意味
- "draw down the vengeance of heaven on" 意味
- "draw everyone's attention" 意味
- "draw examples from johnson's dictionary" 意味
- "draw excessively on money from the national government" 意味
- "draw exhibitors from europe and the americas" 意味
- "draw down the vengeance of heaven on" 意味
- "draw everyone's attention" 意味
- "draw examples from johnson's dictionary" 意味