a drawstring purse made in silk fabric was discovered . 絹製の巾着袋
place the arrow on the drawstring . 弦に矢を番えて
i want you to pull back on the drawstring ... and keep your left arm straight . 弓の弦を そして、左腕を 真っ直ぐに溜めて
they ' re characterized by loose-fitting waistline and drawstring hem around ankles , and suitable for activities as one can tuck in one ' s hem of kimono or outerwear . ゆったりした胴回りと足首の部分で絞った裾が特徴であり、着物の裾や上着を中に入れることができ、活動に適する。
a tenugui is used to represent a wallet , a document , a cigarette case , a book , any object made of cloth or in the shape of a bag , such as a drawstring money pouch , and even a string or a rope . 財布や証文、煙草入れ、本、巾着など袋状・布状の物の他に、紐や縄として使われる。