dress in white 意味

  • 白い服を着る


  1. in the beginning of the year , legal wife dresses her hair in osuberakasi style (a women ' s hair style in the court ), and the legal wife of the shogun wears junihiote (a women ' s layered ceremonial robe ) and the legal wife of daimyo wears keiko-shozoku keiko (a type of female formal dress in white kosode ).


        white dress:    純白のドレス
        beautiful white wedding dress:    すてきな純白{じゅんぱく}のウエディングドレス
        lacy white dress:    レースの白いドレス
        dress with pink flowers on a white background:    白地にピンクの花模様のドレス
        white dress with blue polka dots:    青い水玉模様{みずたま もよう}の白いドレス[ワンピース]
        spend time dreaming of a big wedding with a white dress:    白いドレスを着て[に身を包んで]盛大{せいだい}な結婚式{けっこんしき}を挙げることを夢見て過ごす
        dress:     1dress n. (ワンピースの)婦人服, ドレス; 衣服, 服装. 【動詞+】 adjust one's dress ドレスの乱れを直す Please adjust your dress before leaving. 服装を整えてから表へ出てください 《男性用トイレの出口の掲示》 adorn a wedding dress with frills a
        dress for:    ~のために正装{せいそう}する、~に適した服装{ふくそう}をする
        dress in:    投獄する
        in a dress:    ドレスを着た
        to dress:    to dress 刈り込む かりこむ 装う よそおう
        to dress in:    to dress in 包む くるむ つつむ
        in the white:     in the whíte (木材?家具が)ワニスをかけていない.
        in white:    白装束{しろしょうぞく}で、何も塗ってない、白木の
        or white:    徹底的にどちらかに、白か黒か


  1. "dress in relaxed style" 意味
  2. "dress in several layers of clothing" 意味
  3. "dress in silk" 意味
  4. "dress in style" 意味
  5. "dress in the mode of" 意味
  6. "dress is the outward emblem of a person's image of himself" 意味
  7. "dress leather" 意味
  8. "dress left" 意味
  9. "dress length" 意味
  10. "dress in style" 意味
  11. "dress in the mode of" 意味
  12. "dress is the outward emblem of a person's image of himself" 意味
  13. "dress leather" 意味

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