dress that reaches the floor 意味

  • 床まで届く服


        floor length dress:    
        floor-length dress:    裾が床まで届くドレス
        eastern reaches of:    ~の東部区域{ぶ くいき}
        hand reaches for:    《someone's ~》(人)が~に手を伸ばす
        if it reaches the eyes:    目に入った場合{ばあい}は
        northern reaches of:    ~の北部区域{ぶ くいき}
        southern reaches of:    ~の南部区域{ぶ くいき}
        upper reaches:    上流(一帯)
        western reaches of:    ~の西部区域{せいぶ くいき}
        dress:     1dress n. (ワンピースの)婦人服, ドレス; 衣服, 服装. 【動詞+】 adjust one's dress ドレスの乱れを直す Please adjust your dress before leaving. 服装を整えてから表へ出てください 《男性用トイレの出口の掲示》 adorn a wedding dress with frills a
        dress for:    ~のために正装{せいそう}する、~に適した服装{ふくそう}をする
        dress in:    投獄する
        in a dress:    ドレスを着た
        to dress:    to dress 刈り込む かりこむ 装う よそおう
        to dress in:    to dress in 包む くるむ つつむ


  1. "dress suit" 意味
  2. "dress suitably for one's age" 意味
  3. "dress temporarily" 意味
  4. "dress that hooks at the back" 意味
  5. "dress that isn't cut too low" 意味
  6. "dress the bumpers" 意味
  7. "dress the house" 意味
  8. "dress the part" 意味
  9. "dress the part as the director" 意味
  10. "dress that hooks at the back" 意味
  11. "dress that isn't cut too low" 意味
  12. "dress the bumpers" 意味
  13. "dress the house" 意味

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