drug prices 意味

発音を聞く:   drug pricesの例文
  • 薬価{やっか}



  1. "drug price margin" 意味
  2. "drug price standard" 意味
  3. "drug price survey" 意味
  4. "drug price system" 意味
  5. "drug price system that allows for a large gap between the supposed standard prices and the actual prices for hospitals" 意味
  6. "drug pricing by brand name" 意味
  7. "drug pricing policy" 意味
  8. "drug problem" 意味
  9. "drug processing plant" 意味
  10. "drug price system" 意味
  11. "drug price system that allows for a large gap between the supposed standard prices and the actual prices for hospitals" 意味
  12. "drug pricing by brand name" 意味
  13. "drug pricing policy" 意味

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