earthquake-seasoned 意味

  • {形} : 地震災害に対する訓練を積んだ


        earthquake seasoned:    {形} :
        seasoned:    seasoned 老功 老巧 ろうこう
        earthquake:     earthquake n. 地震, 動揺. 【動詞+】 A slight earthquake was felt. 軽い地震があった Did you feel the earthquake this morning? けさの地震を感じましたか Devastating fires followed the earthquake. その地震のあとに壊滅的な
        air-seasoned:    air-seasoned 曝気処理した[基礎]
        high seasoned:    {形} :
        high-seasoned:    {形} : 強く味を付けた、刺激{しげき}の強い
        lightly seasoned:    lightly seasoned 味が薄い あじがうすい
        seasoned actor:    ベテラン俳優{はいゆう}
        seasoned advice:    ベテランのアドバイス
        seasoned bond:    満期{まんき}が近い債券{さいけん}
        seasoned citizen:    熟年者{じゅくねんしゃ}
        seasoned concertgoers:    年季{ねんき}の入ったコンサート常連客{じょうれん きゃく}
        seasoned crack:    置き割れ
        seasoned diplomat:    筋金入りの外交官{がいこうかん}
        seasoned drinker:    飲み助


  1. "earthquake-resistant house" 意味
  2. "earthquake-resistant roofing" 意味
  3. "earthquake-resistant structure" 意味
  4. "earthquake-resisting wall" 意味
  5. "earthquake-ridden country" 意味
  6. "earthquake-stricken district" 意味
  7. "earthquaked" 意味
  8. "earthquakeproof" 意味
  9. "earthquakeravaged" 意味
  10. "earthquake-resisting wall" 意味
  11. "earthquake-ridden country" 意味
  12. "earthquake-stricken district" 意味
  13. "earthquaked" 意味

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