- effective adj. 効力のある, 効き目がある.【副詞】
- It was Mr. Smith who was chiefly effective in bringing these plans to fruition.
- We don't yet know how effective the new procedures will be in an emergency.
- The measures (we have taken) may not be immediately effective (but in the long run they will be).
- The new system has been only partially effective in making university entrance fairer.
- A spoonful of sugar proved surprisingly effective in arresting my hiccups.
スプーン 1 杯の砂糖がしゃっくりを止めるのに意外なほどの効き目を発した
【+前置詞】- It is effective in such cases for an executive to visit the shop floor and to see the operations himself.
そんな場合, 経営者が仕事場へ行って作業を自分の目で見るのは効果がある
- A regulation making the use of seat belts mandatory will be effective from January 1, 1989.
シートベルト着用義務化の規則は 1989 年 1 月 1 日より実施となる
- Summer fares to Yellowstone National Park will be effective on and after June 1.
イエローストーン国立公園への夏期割引運賃は 6 月 1 日から実施になる
【雑】- The method proved cost-effective.
- It was Mr. Smith who was chiefly effective in bringing these plans to fruition.
effective 意味
発音記号: [ i'fektiv ]発音を聞く effectiveの例文
もっと例文: 次へ>- much more effective . it's showing that the special structure
ずっと効果的です - were much more effective than the antiretroviral drugs
はるかに効果があると主張して - because , actually , treatment is effective prevention
HIVに感染しにくくなるから - and better personalize and make effective , for example
個別化された より効能の高い - and these things are very effective , it turns out
これらは非常に効果的です しかし —
- "effected" 意味
- "effected object" 意味
- "effectefficacy" 意味
- "effecting" 意味
- "effecting reliable communication" 意味
- "effective absorption cross section" 意味
- "effective acceleration" 意味
- "effective accumulated temperature" 意味
- "effective acoustic center" 意味
- "effecting" 意味
- "effecting reliable communication" 意味
- "effective absorption cross section" 意味
- "effective acceleration" 意味