exposure 意味

発音記号: [ iks'pəuʒə ]発音を聞く   exposureの例文


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. exposure produces symptoms similar to parkinson's .
    パーキンソン病に 似た症状を引き起こす
  2. if they smoke , if they get too much exposure to the sun
  3. the exposure of sakura fubuki association to the world .
    世間に さらされちゃうかもな
  4. that i make , just by exposure , artificially important
    音は 曝すだけで人為的に
  5. was a real exposure to me to classical music .
    これがクラシック音楽に 私が真に触れた経験でした



  1. "expostulate" 意味
  2. "expostulate with" 意味
  3. "expostulation" 意味
  4. "expostulator" 意味
  5. "expostulatory" 意味
  6. "exposure adjustment" 意味
  7. "exposure age" 意味
  8. "exposure angle" 意味
  9. "exposure area" 意味
  10. "expostulator" 意味
  11. "expostulatory" 意味
  12. "exposure adjustment" 意味
  13. "exposure age" 意味

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