fall from the ceiling 意味

発音を聞く:   fall from the ceilingの例文
  • 天井{てんじょう}から落ちる[落ちてくる]



  1. "fall from orbit" 意味
  2. "fall from power" 意味
  3. "fall from power as a result of a conflict with" 意味
  4. "fall from scaffold" 意味
  5. "fall from stairs" 意味
  6. "fall from the platform" 意味
  7. "fall from the position" 意味
  8. "fall from the sky" 意味
  9. "fall from the top" 意味
  10. "fall from scaffold" 意味
  11. "fall from stairs" 意味
  12. "fall from the platform" 意味
  13. "fall from the position" 意味

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