father to be 意味

発音を聞く:   father to beの例文
  • {名} : <→FATHER-TO-BE>


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. i've been hired by your father to be your sober companion .
    麻薬中毒回復支援者として 御父様に雇われました
  2. and , uh , i begged my father to be my first official passenger .
  3. i want your father to be proven innocent .
  4. for your father to be found innocent .
  5. for your father to be found innocent .


        father:     father n. 父; 祖先; 建設者; 長老. 【動詞+】 disobey one's father 父親の言うことに従わない He lost his father when he was a baby. 赤ん坊のとき父を失った He needs a father. (孤児が)父親を必要としている At puberty children
        father in:    ~の父性愛{ふせいあい}
        father of a:    とても大きい~
        father-to-be:    {名} : もうじき(子どもが産まれて)父親{ちちおや}になる人
        father's father:    祖父{そふ}、おじいさん
        adopted father:    養父{ようふ}
        adoptive father:    adoptive father 養父 ようふ
        affectionate father:    affectionate father 慈父 じふ
        all father:    {名} :
        all-father:    {名} : 神、全父{ぜんぷ}、主神{しゅしん}
        become a father:    親になる
        benevolent father:    慈愛{じあい}に満ちた父親{ちちおや}
        bereaved father:    子に先立たれた父
        biological father:    実の父親{ちちおや}、血のつながった父親{ちちおや}
        bride's father:    新婦の父


  1. "father son events at school" 意味
  2. "father strongly admonished me to give up smoking" 意味
  3. "father substitute" 意味
  4. "father the world wide web" 意味
  5. "father time" 意味
  6. "father to the handicapped" 意味
  7. "father was easygoing when meeting his friends, but he was a tyrant at home" 意味
  8. "father who is a role model" 意味
  9. "father who is transferred alone to another part of the country" 意味
  10. "father the world wide web" 意味
  11. "father time" 意味
  12. "father to the handicapped" 意味
  13. "father was easygoing when meeting his friends, but he was a tyrant at home" 意味

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