feel compelled to 意味

  • ~しなければならない気がする、~せざるを得ないように感じる、矢も楯もたまらず~する、~しなければいけない気持ちに駆られる、~する義務{ぎむ}があると思う


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. why do we feel compelled to trace our roots ?
    人は自分のルーツを 探したがる
  2. and not feel compelled to fuse into one person
  3. so obviously he'd feel compelled to get rid of it .
    だから必然的に、彼はこいつを 始末しなければならないと思った。
  4. don't you feel compelled to push the fire alarm button ?
    この消火栓のボタンって、 凄く押したくなる魔力があるよね。
  5. we feel compelled to tell them .



  1. "feel comfy staying in a tipless hotel" 意味
  2. "feel compassion" 意味
  3. "feel compassion for" 意味
  4. "feel compassion for someone's feelings" 意味
  5. "feel compassion toward" 意味
  6. "feel compelled to comply with someone's wishes" 意味
  7. "feel compelled to state that" 意味
  8. "feel compelled to work with" 意味
  9. "feel competent to express an opinion concerning" 意味
  10. "feel compassion for someone's feelings" 意味
  11. "feel compassion toward" 意味
  12. "feel compelled to comply with someone's wishes" 意味
  13. "feel compelled to state that" 意味

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