fine and 意味

  • とても~で


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. then it was fine and it became a member of robo
    それじゃあさ 晴れてロボ部員になったことだし
  2. however he was fine and felt very good .
  3. theyare taking people out there , fine and simple .
    いつまで? 奴らは人を連れ去る それなら―
  4. theyare taking people out there , fine and simple .
    いつまで? 奴らは人を連れ去る それなら―
  5. everything is nice and fine and perpendicular .


        be fine with:     be fíne with [by] O ((略式))〈人〉にとって都合がよい,申し分ない Any day is ~ with me. いつでも結構ですよ That's ~ with me. (提案などに対して)異存ありません,私はそれで結構です.
        fine:     1fine n. 罰金, 科料; 結論. 【動詞+】 impose a fine upon… …に科料を課す A fine of $400 for each offense will be imposed should this rule not be complied with. 当規則に違反すればそれぞれの違反につき 400 ドルの罰金が課せられる i
        fine as such:    《be ~》それ自体{じたい}としては申し分ない
        fine with:    《be ~》~でよい I'm fine with that arrangement. 私はその取り決めに賛成だ。
        if it is fine:    天気がよければ
        in fine:    結局{けっきょく}、要するに、最後{さいご}に It was, in fine, a wonderful date. 結局、それは素晴らしいデートだった。
        that's fine,but:     That's fine,but... それはそれで結構ですが…《◆相手の主張を認める一方で懸念を示す》 That's ~,but are you sure you can manage it?それはそれでいいんだけど,本当に何とかやれそう?
        (fine) art:    (fine) art 芸術 げいじゅつ
        a fine custom:    a fine custom 美俗 びぞく
        al fine:    〈イタリア語〉《音楽》アル?フィーネ、終わりまで
        as a fine leader:    人の上に立つ立派{りっぱ}な人物{じんぶつ}として
        as fine as can be:    《be as fine as (one) can be》ぴんぴんしている
        assess a fine on:    (人)に罰金を科す
        at a fine pass:    大変{たいへん}な[とても困った?とんだ]ことになって
        at a fine rate:    優遇金利で


  1. "fine administrative stroke" 意味
  2. "fine admixture" 意味
  3. "fine aggregate" 意味
  4. "fine airborne particles" 意味
  5. "fine alumina" 意味
  6. "fine and applied art" 意味
  7. "fine and applied art(s" 意味
  8. "fine and clear throughout the nation" 意味
  9. "fine and curious articles" 意味
  10. "fine airborne particles" 意味
  11. "fine alumina" 意味
  12. "fine and applied art" 意味
  13. "fine and applied art(s" 意味

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