fine pattern 意味

発音を聞く:   fine patternの例文
  • fine pattern


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. as it literally means , komon has fine pattern all over the whole kinomo .
  2. they made ordinarily objects like tools into a fine pattern and enjoyed the demand for this fashion .
  3. the chayatsuji is characterized by its fine pattern which illustrates waterside scenery , and it is fundamentally applied to summer kimono .
  4. in the kanto region , the type of kimono with the pattern called " komon " (kimono with fine pattern ) which is used in the kamishimo (samurai costume , old ceremonial costume ) may be used for similar purposes , but in the kansai region , edo-komon (fine patterns utilized in edo ) may sometimes be treated as " komon " rather than iromuji .
  5. various sophisticated designs were devised as follows; the formation of katomado (specially shaped windows with many s-shaped curves in a zen temple ) and its above shoji of tsukeshoin , the design of kugikakushi (object which conceals the head of nail ) of transom and the usage of karakami (printed paper , paper sliding door ) xylographed simple komon (small fine pattern ) motif .


        fine lace pattern:    fine lace pattern タックレース編み[化学]〈95L0202:家庭用編機用語〉
        display a pattern of fine lines called neumann lines:    ノイマン線と呼ばれる微細{びさい}な線からなるパターンを示す
        be fine with:     be fíne with [by] O ((略式))〈人〉にとって都合がよい,申し分ない Any day is ~ with me. いつでも結構ですよ That's ~ with me. (提案などに対して)異存ありません,私はそれで結構です.
        fine:     1fine n. 罰金, 科料; 結論. 【動詞+】 impose a fine upon… …に科料を課す A fine of $400 for each offense will be imposed should this rule not be complied with. 当規則に違反すればそれぞれの違反につき 400 ドルの罰金が課せられる i
        fine and:    とても~で
        fine as such:    《be ~》それ自体{じたい}としては申し分ない
        fine with:    《be ~》~でよい I'm fine with that arrangement. 私はその取り決めに賛成だ。
        if it is fine:    天気がよければ
        in fine:    結局{けっきょく}、要するに、最後{さいご}に It was, in fine, a wonderful date. 結局、それは素晴らしいデートだった。
        that's fine,but:     That's fine,but... それはそれで結構ですが…《◆相手の主張を認める一方で懸念を示す》 That's ~,but are you sure you can manage it?それはそれでいいんだけど,本当に何とかやれそう?
        of a pattern:    同一{どういつ}の、同型{どうけい}の
        on the pattern of:    ~にならって
        pattern:     1pattern n. 模範; 原型, 模型; 見本, (洋服の)型紙; (思考 行動 文などの)型, 様式, パターン; 模様; 〔テレビ〕 テストパターン. 【動詞+】 alter the pattern of one's decisions 決断のし方を変える the first step in breaking this pattern of behavior
        pattern with:    ~の模様{もよう}をつける
        pattern on pattern:    パターン?オン?パターン


  1. "fine particle carbon" 意味
  2. "fine particle formation" 意味
  3. "fine particle fraction" 意味
  4. "fine particles" 意味
  5. "fine particles of coal dust" 意味
  6. "fine pearlite" 意味
  7. "fine pen" 意味
  8. "fine pencil" 意味
  9. "fine penny" 意味
  10. "fine particles" 意味
  11. "fine particles of coal dust" 意味
  12. "fine pearlite" 意味
  13. "fine pen" 意味

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