because i fear that he will relapse if i'm firm with him . 僕が彼にこだわるのは 彼がぶり返すのを怖れてるからだ
you've just got to be firm with these kids . 厳しく反応しないと
please be firm with kim ! kimさん しっかりしてください!
it's first day of college , i got a career in a dinky internet firm with a boss who is made up ofjust pure champion stuff . すごいや. . 大学初日に就職できちゃった
well , it's just that kit kat warned me that if you were to ever mention it , i should be very firm with you and tell you you must treat me like your sister and not be stupid . キット・カットに忠告されてたの 告白されそうになったら 断固たる態度でこう言えって 私を妹のように思うべきで