for collection 意味

発音を聞く:   for collectionの例文
  • 取立てのため


  1. but , quite often , people leave them floating away because of costs for collection .
  2. the post offices responsible for collection and delivery in sakyo ward are under control of the sakyo post office except those in the kuta area (which is under the control of the katata post office ).
  3. the ritsuryo law established the shokudo (penalty charges which was paid with copper coins ) system to impose punishment and for collection of penal fines , but later the ritsuryo law enforcement power revoked , resulting in less strict penal punishments .
  4. this meant giving tadahiko the position title of a retainer of miyake (house of an imperial prince ), and reportedly it was done to provide convenience to tadahiko when he visited temples and shrines and old families in various places for collection of historical materials .
  5. furthermore , the shugo made contracts with the lords of the manors for collection of the annual tribute , and began to conduct shugouke (the contract system that the manor ' s owner entrusts a provincial constable to manage his manor and pay the customs ), which strengthened their actual rule over the manors .


        collection:    collection n. (1) 収集, コレクション; 収蔵品; 集団; 堆積. 【動詞+】 He accumulated a world-famous collection of paintings. 世界的に有名な絵画のコレクションを(少しずつ)ふやした The collection that was assembled on that occasion numb
        collection of:    《a ~》~の一群{いちぐん}
        abnormal collection of:    ~の異常{いじょう}な集積{しゅうせき}
        additional collection:    追徴{ついちょう}
        advance collection:    繰上徴収{くりあげ ちょうしゅう}
        advertisement for collection:    募金広告{ぼきん こうこく}
        agent for collection:    取立受託銀行
        antique collection:    時代物{じだいもの}のコレクション、収集{しゅうしゅう}した骨とう品{こっとうひん}
        art collection:    美術収集{びじゅつ しゅうしゅう}
        assessment and collection:    賦課徴収{ふか ちょうしゅう}
        automatic collection:    自動収集{じどう しゅうしゅう}
        basic collection:    basic collection 基礎コレクション[その他]
        bill collection:    bill collection 借金取り しゃっきんとり
        bill for collection:    (代金)取立手形{(だいきん)とりたててがた}◆【略】B/C
        blood collection:    血液採取{けつえき さいしゅ}


  1. "for clean removal" 意味
  2. "for clear vision" 意味
  3. "for clinical assessment purposes" 意味
  4. "for clinical purposes" 意味
  5. "for close control of temperature" 意味
  6. "for collection and credit" 意味
  7. "for comfort" 意味
  8. "for commercial purposes" 意味
  9. "for commercial reasons" 意味
  10. "for clinical purposes" 意味
  11. "for close control of temperature" 意味
  12. "for collection and credit" 意味
  13. "for comfort" 意味

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