何時間も We have been working for hours (and hours) on this math problem. この数学の問題に何時間も取り組んでいる。
but they would have to wait for hours and hours and hours この場所に座るまで 何時間も何時間も
that would go on for hours and hours , until dawn . 明け方まで何時間も
my goodness , we just ... we'll go at it for hours and hours . なんてこった... 何時間も繰り返すんだ
we'll go at it for hours and hours . 何時間も繰り返すんだ
but you'll have a drone that's just following somebody's house for hours and hours , and you won't know who it is because , you know , you don't have the context for that . でも誰かの家の上空に 佇んでいるドローンが有る訳です 1日中 誰の家だか分かりませんけどね