in addition to many troubles with film companies at this time because of his naturally very free-spirited character , his socialist thinking was suppressed by the authorities . この時期、元々極めて奔放な性格で映画会社とトラブルが多かったことに重ねて、伊藤の社会的思想は当局によって弾圧の対象となった。
the word haikara i began to write has been used very often today in our society and the reason i wrote this word is to contrast it with a pistol in verbeck ' s story , that is to say , i wrote in my tosei personal criticism in the yokohama mainichi shimbun that " aritomo yamagata , koyata shimao , tateki tani and so on belong to a conservative budanha (party of hawks ), nippon party of jyoiha (exclusionists sect ), stubborn/unwise party of hawks , chiyomumage party or pistol party , while shigenobu okuma , hirobumi ito , kinmochi saionji and so on belong to a liberal party of doves , oka (westernization ) sect of kaikoku (opening of japan to western countries ) party , free-spirited haikara party , necktie party or cosmetic party " , which became the origin of the word haikara , and among them this word alone has become extremely popular , but today many people use it without knowing that i invented the word , which has become one important japanese word , however , i originally wrote this word haikara (pp .18-19 ) in the newspaper five or six years after the interview with mr .verbeck . 我輩がハイカラと云ふ言葉を書き始めた為めに、今日では大変に世間に行はれて居るが、此のハイカラと云ふ言葉を書いたのは、全く此のフルベツキ先生の話のピストルに対照させる為めで有ッた、即ち横浜毎日新聞に掲げたる当世人物評中に、「山縣有朋、鳥尾小弥太、谷干城などは保守主義の武断派、攘夷党の日本党、頑冥不霊なるチヨム髷党、ピストル党であるが、大隈重信、伊藤博文、西園寺公望等は進歩主義の文治派で、開国党の欧化党、胸襟闊達なるハイカラ党、ネクタイ党、コスメチツク党で有る」と書いたのが起因で、外のチヨム髷党、ピストル党、コスメチツク党、ネクタイ党などは少しも流行しなかッたが、唯此のハイカラと云ふ一語だけが、馬鹿に大流行を来した、今日では最早や我輩が発明したと云ふ事を知らずに用ひて居る者も多く、一の重要なる日本語となッて仕舞ふたが、然るに実は我輩が此のハイカ(p18/p19)ラと云ふことを書いた起因を申すと、全く此の時のフルベッキ先生の話を胸中に蓄えて居て、それを五六年の後に至って新聞の上に現はした結果で有る。
the word haikara i began to write has been used very often today in our society and the reason i wrote this word is to contrast it with a pistol in verbeck ' s story , that is to say , i wrote in my tosei personal criticism in the yokohama mainichi shimbun that " aritomo yamagata , koyata shimao , tateki tani and so on belong to a conservative budanha (party of hawks ), nippon party of jyoiha (exclusionists sect ), stubborn/unwise party of hawks , chiyomumage party or pistol party , while shigenobu okuma , hirobumi ito , kinmochi saionji and so on belong to a liberal party of doves , oka (westernization ) sect of kaikoku (opening of japan to western countries ) party , free-spirited haikara party , necktie party or cosmetic party " , which became the origin of the word haikara , and among them this word alone has become extremely popular , but today many people use it without knowing that i invented the word , which has become one important japanese word , however , i originally wrote this word haikara (pp .18-19 ) in the newspaper five or six years after the interview with mr .verbeck . 我輩がハイカラと云ふ言葉を書き始めた為めに、今日では大変に世間に行はれて居るが、此のハイカラと云ふ言葉を書いたのは、全く此のフルベツキ先生の話のピストルに対照させる為めで有ッた、即ち横浜毎日新聞に掲げたる当世人物評中に、「山縣有朋、鳥尾小弥太、谷干城などは保守主義の武断派、攘夷党の日本党、頑冥不霊なるチヨム髷党、ピストル党であるが、大隈重信、伊藤博文、西園寺公望等は進歩主義の文治派で、開国党の欧化党、胸襟闊達なるハイカラ党、ネクタイ党、コスメチツク党で有る」と書いたのが起因で、外のチヨム髷党、ピストル党、コスメチツク党、ネクタイ党などは少しも流行しなかッたが、唯此のハイカラと云ふ一語だけが、馬鹿に大流行を来した、今日では最早や我輩が発明したと云ふ事を知らずに用ひて居る者も多く、一の重要なる日本語となッて仕舞ふたが、然るに実は我輩が此のハイカ(p18/p19)ラと云ふことを書いた起因を申すと、全く此の時のフルベッキ先生の話を胸中に蓄えて居て、それを五六年の後に至って新聞の上に現はした結果で有る。