give a speech 意味

発音を聞く:   give a speechの例文
  • スピーチ[演説{えんぜつ}]をする[行う]
    I'll make a speech at my sister's wedding. 私は姉の結婚式でスピーチをする。


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. i ... can't give a speech for that person .
    私... あの子のためのスピーチなんて できません。
  2. is he gonna give a speech ? he's gonna give a speech .
  3. is he gonna give a speech ? he's gonna give a speech .
  4. i really can't give a speech for that person .
    私 ホントに あの子のための スピーチなんか できないんです。
  5. does the captain have to give a speech ?



  1. "give a special word of mention to" 意味
  2. "give a specific date for" 意味
  3. "give a specific example" 意味
  4. "give a specific instance of mistreatment" 意味
  5. "give a specific type of help" 意味
  6. "give a speech about the need for tolerance" 意味
  7. "give a speech at a ceremony" 意味
  8. "give a speech at a meeting" 意味
  9. "give a speech directed to" 意味
  10. "give a specific instance of mistreatment" 意味
  11. "give a specific type of help" 意味
  12. "give a speech about the need for tolerance" 意味
  13. "give a speech at a ceremony" 意味

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