give up doing 意味

発音を聞く:   give up doingの例文
  • ~することをあきらめる


  1. even though you have so much believes , will you give up doing the impossible ?
    いくら信念があったとしても ムチャは やめてよ?



  1. "give up college and become a musician" 意味
  2. "give up college education for economic reasons" 意味
  3. "give up control of" 意味
  4. "give up control of an institution" 意味
  5. "give up correspondence" 意味
  6. "give up drinking" 意味
  7. "give up drinking and smoking" 意味
  8. "give up drinking once and for all" 意味
  9. "give up drugs" 意味
  10. "give up control of an institution" 意味
  11. "give up correspondence" 意味
  12. "give up drinking" 意味
  13. "give up drinking and smoking" 意味

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