great bonfire event 意味

  • 《the ~》大文字{だいもんじ}の送り火{おくりび}


  1. daimonji okuribi (the great bonfire event ) (august )
  2. every year , one of the summer features of kyoto , daimonji gozan okuribi/the great bonfire event (mountain bon fire ) is held on august 16 .
  3. on august 16 , when daimonji okuribi (the great bonfire event ) is celebrated , the weekday timetable is applied except for when this day falls on saturday or sunday .
  4. it ' s also called ' daimonji-dera temple ,' because it administrates ' daimonji ' (the great bonfire event ), which is one of the gozan okuribi (bonfire events on five mountains ).


        bonfire:     bonfire n. かがり火; たき火. 【動詞+】 build a bonfire at the beach 浜辺でたき火をする feed a bonfire かがり火にまきをくべる light a bonfire かがり火をつける make a bonfire かがり火をたく make a bonfire of old n
        commemorating this great sporting event:    この大スポーツ祭典{さいてん}を記念{きねん}して
        event of great consequence:    重大事件{じゅうだい じけん}
        event of great import:    重大{じゅうだい}な出来事{できごと}
        great historical event:    歴史上{れきしじょう}の一大事件{いちだい じけん}
        blazing bonfire:    燃え盛るかがり火
        bonfire night:    《英》たき火の夜◆17世紀初めに起きた火薬陰謀事件の首謀者の一人であるガイ?フォークス(Guy Fawkes)が捕まったことを記念する日
        bonfire of the vanities:    {映画} : 《The ~》虚栄のかがり火◆米1990《監督》ブライアン?デ?パルマ《出演》トム?ハンクス、ブルース?ウィリス、メラニー?グリフィス
        build a bonfire:    かがり火をたく
        ceremonial bonfire:    ceremonial bonfire 送り火 おくりび
        embers of a bonfire:    たき火の残り火
        have a bonfire:    たき火をする
        light a bonfire:    かがり火を付ける
        make a bonfire:    かがり火をたく、たき火をする
        make a bonfire of:    ~を焼き捨てる


  1. "great blessing" 意味
  2. "great blow" 意味
  3. "great blue arch of the sky" 意味
  4. "great blue heron" 意味
  5. "great blue shark" 意味
  6. "great book" 意味
  7. "great book in its own right" 意味
  8. "great boom" 意味
  9. "great boughs of an oak" 意味
  10. "great blue heron" 意味
  11. "great blue shark" 意味
  12. "great book" 意味
  13. "great book in its own right" 意味

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