ground pork 意味

発音を聞く:   ground porkの例文
  • 豚のひき肉、ひき肉にした豚[ポーク?豚肉{ぶたにく}]


  1. the pericarp is added to food cooked by boiling or stewing , stir-fried dishes , and sichuan-style bean curd (tofu and ground pork spicy taste ) for flavoring .
  2. additionally , there are some processed gluten cake products such as ' mian jin sai rou ' which is gluten cakes with stuffing made of ground pork and other ingredients .
  3. menchi katsu or minchi katsu is a meat dish , in which ground pork or beef (minchi ) is mixed well with minced onions , salt and pepper , formed into flat ovals , coated with breading made of flour , beaten eggs and panko (japanese-style coarse bread crumbs ), and deep fried in oil .
  4. in japan , for example , the combination of cooked rice and the chinese dish of sichuan-style bean curd (tofu ) and ground pork of spicy taste (mabo-tofu ), and the combination of cooked rice and chinese dish with fried egg and crab (kanitama ) is recognized as independent of mabo-don (cooked rice and mabo-tofu ) and tehshin-don (cooked rice and kanitama ), respectively .


        beef and pork ground together:    beef and pork ground together 合い挽き あいびき
        ground beef and pork:    (牛豚)合挽き(ミンチ)
        mixture of ground beef and pork:    合挽き{あいびき}
        pork:     pork n. 豚肉. 【動詞+】 Pork can be cured by salting it or smoking it. 塩漬けや燻製(くんせい)にしたりして豚肉は保存処理することができる Some religions forbid believers to eat pork. 宗教の中には信者が豚肉を食べることを禁じるものもある roast po
        congressional pork:    議会{ぎかい}の援助{えんじょ}[助成{じょせい}]金
        cut of pork:    《a ~》豚肉{ぶたにく}の一切れ[一塊]
        ginger pork:    豚肉{ぶたにく}の生姜焼き
        hand of pork:    豚足{とんそく}
        joint of pork:    豚の関節肉
        leg of pork:    豚の脚肉
        pickled pork:    会話{かいわ}◆talk の押韻俗語
        pig on pork:    〈俗〉融通手形{ゆうずう てがた}
        pork and barrel:    金権政治{きんけん せいじ}
        pork barrel:    {自動} :
        pork barreler:    {名} :


  1. "ground plane antenna" 意味
  2. "ground plate" 意味
  3. "ground plot" 意味
  4. "ground point of intercept" 意味
  5. "ground pollution" 意味
  6. "ground position" 意味
  7. "ground position indicator" 意味
  8. "ground potential" 意味
  9. "ground potential indicator" 意味
  10. "ground point of intercept" 意味
  11. "ground pollution" 意味
  12. "ground position" 意味
  13. "ground position indicator" 意味

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