half-compelled to 意味

  • ~を半ば強制される


  1. however , since she was half-compelled to take the tonsure rather than from her true religious mind , she could not adopt herself to such life .
  2. with lee wan-yong ' s cooperation , gojong was half-compelled to abdicate from the crown on july 20th , and sunjong (korean king ) acceded to the throne of the second emperor of the korean empire .


        half compelled to:    
        compelled to:    《be ~》~せざるを得ない、やむを得ず~する You'll be compelled to pay the whole bill. あなたがすべての勘定を払わざるを得なくなるでしょう。
        if compelled:    いざとなれば
        compelled to accept:    《be ~》泣き寝入り
        compelled to wonder:    《be ~》~と思わざるを得ない
        feel compelled to:    ~しなければならない気がする、~せざるを得ないように感じる、矢も楯もたまらず~する、~しなければいけない気持ちに駆られる、~する義務{ぎむ}があると思う
        is compelled to do:    is compelled to do せざるを得ない せざるをえない
        legally-compelled to:    《be ~》法的{ほうてき}に~せざるを得ない
        being compelled to accept a situation:    being compelled to accept a situation 泣寝入り 泣き寝入り なきねいり
        compelled coagulation sedimentation equipment:    compelled coagulation sedimentation equipment 強制凝集沈澱装置[地球]
        compelled to cancel the plan:    《be ~》その計画{けいかく}を中止{ちゅうし}せざるを得ない
        compelled to cooperate with the government agency:    《be ~》政府{せいふ}の機関{きかん}に無理{むり}やり協力{きょうりょく}させられる
        compelled to give one's fingerprint:    《be ~》強制{きょうせい}されて指紋{しもん}を押す
        feel compelled to state that:    (that 以下)と言わなければ[明言{めいげん}しなければ]ならない気がする
        feel compelled to work with:    (人)とどうしても一緒{いっしょ}に仕事{しごと}をしたい[一緒{いっしょ}に仕事{しごと}をせずにはいられない]と思う[感じる?いう気持ちになる]


  1. "half-cock" 意味
  2. "half-cocked" 意味
  3. "half-coil" 意味
  4. "half-coil spacing" 意味
  5. "half-collision unimolecular process" 意味
  6. "half-completed goods" 意味
  7. "half-compound grain" 意味
  8. "half-compression cam" 意味
  9. "half-conjunction" 意味
  10. "half-coil spacing" 意味
  11. "half-collision unimolecular process" 意味
  12. "half-completed goods" 意味
  13. "half-compound grain" 意味

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