happy as the day is long
happy as the day is longの例文
<→AS happy as the day is long>
as happy as the day is long
: とても楽しい、非常に幸福で
happy day
: happy day 嘉辰 佳辰 かしん
as happy as a bastard on father's day
: 〈豪〉とても不幸で、意気消沈して、とても憂うつで、とても落ち込んで
happy as a bastard on father's day
start day in happy way
: 《start a [the, one's] day (off) in a happy way》楽しい気持ちで一日{いちにち}を始める[開始{かいし}する?スタートさせる?始動{しどう}させる]
day long
: {形} :
: {形} : 一日がかりの、一日中[丸一日?終日]続く[行われる?かかる]
long day
: long day 日永 ひなが 日長 ひなが
: {形} : 長日性の
start day off in happy way
: 《start a [the, one's] day (off) in a happy way》楽しい気持ちで一日{いちにち}を始める[開始{かいし}する?スタートさせる?始動{しどう}させる]
long and happy retirement in the country side
: 片田舎{かたいなか}での長くて幸せな隠退生活{いんたい せいかつ}
all day long
: all day long 尽日 じんじつ
as handsome as the day is long
: なんてったってハンサム
as honest as the day is long
: 真っ正直な、いつでも信頼できる
as merry as the day is long
: とても楽しい
"happy as a sandboy" 意味
"happy as can be" 意味
"happy as ducks in arizona" 意味
"happy as larks" 意味
"happy as larry" 意味
"happy at" 意味
"happy atmosphere" 意味
"happy birthday" 意味
"happy birthday (to you)" 意味
"happy as larks" 意味
"happy as larry" 意味
"happy at" 意味
"happy atmosphere" 意味
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