hard as rock 意味

  • <→AS hard as rock>


        as hard as a rock:    岩のように硬い、とても堅い
        as hard as rock:    石のように硬い、とてもかたい
        hard as a rock:    
        hard rock:    {形} :
        hard-rock:    hard-rock ハードロック
        rock hard:    {形} :
        rock-hard:    {形} : 岩みたいに堅い
        between a rock and a hard place:    苦境{くきょう}に陥って、望ましくない選択{せんたく}を迫られて I couldn't go home late, yet my girlfriend's father wanted me to stay until after midnight. I was between a rock and a hard [spot] place. 早く帰らねばならなかったが、ガールフレンドの父親が夜中
        between a rock and a hard spot:    苦境{くきょう}に陥って、望ましくない選択{せんたく}を迫られて I couldn't go home late, yet my girlfriend's father wanted me to stay until after midnight. I was between a rock and a hard [spot] place. 早く帰らねばならなかったが、ガールフレンドの父親が夜中
        hard rock cafe:    ハードロックカフェ
        hard rock excavation:    硬岩掘削{こうがん くっさく}
        hard rock hotel:    《ホテル》ハードロック?ホテル◆ハードロック?カフェのホテル版。1998年現在、世界中でラスベガスにしかない。ハードロック?カフェ同様、入り口の上に斜めにそびえ立つ大きなギターが特徴。◆4475 Paradise Rd. Las Vegas NV 89109◆【URL】http://www.hardrock.com/(1998年9月現在準備中)
        hard rock miner:    
        hard rock tunnel:    硬岩トンネル
        hard-rock driller:    hard-rock driller 硬岩鑿岩員[鉱山]


  1. "hard as iron" 意味
  2. "hard as marble" 意味
  3. "hard as one can" 意味
  4. "hard as one can lick" 意味
  5. "hard as possible" 意味
  6. "hard as someone tried to smile" 意味
  7. "hard as stone" 意味
  8. "hard as the nether millstone" 意味
  9. "hard asphalt" 意味
  10. "hard as one can lick" 意味
  11. "hard as possible" 意味
  12. "hard as someone tried to smile" 意味
  13. "hard as stone" 意味

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