harsh response 意味

  • 厳しい反応{はんのう}[反響{はんきょう}]


        draw a harsh response from:    ~の厳しい批判{ひはん}を呼ぶ
        harsh:     harsh adj. あらい, 耳障りな; 厳しい; 不快な. 【副詞】 under extremely harsh conditions きわめて厳しい条件の下で You're being overly harsh on the kids. あなたは子供たちに対してはなはだしく厳しい The noise was terribly harsh to the
        harsh on:    (人)に対して厳しい、無情な、手厳しい Maybe I've been too harsh on Bob. Don't be too harsh on me in your memoirs. The elements really are harsh on the hair. You think I was harsh on your classmate, don't you? Maybe y
        in response:    in response 呼応して こおうして
        in response to:    ~に応えて In response to your message, we will send your items as soon as possible. あなたの伝言に応えて、できるだけ早くあなたの物を送ろう。 The program starts running in response to Start button. 開始ボタンに応じてプログラムが開始されます。
        no response:    応答{おうとう}なし
        on-response:    on-response オン反応[医生]
        response:     response n. 返答, 応答; 対応; 反応, 反響; 感応. 【動詞+】 I think you can anticipate my response to that question. その問いに対する私の答えは聞かなくてもわかるでしょう awake a response in… …に反応を呼び起こす bring a response 反応
        response to:    ~への応答[対応]
        feel harsh:    肌触りが悪い
        harsh aluminium:    味気{あじけ}ないアルミ
        harsh aluminum:    味気{あじけ}ないアルミ
        harsh and wild:    荒削りで野生的{やせい てき}な
        harsh aspect:    厳しい側面{そくめん}
        harsh assessment:    厳しい予測{よそく}


  1. "harsh reality of international politics" 意味
  2. "harsh reality that the two countries are at war" 意味
  3. "harsh regulations" 意味
  4. "harsh repression" 意味
  5. "harsh reprisal" 意味
  6. "harsh rhetoric" 意味
  7. "harsh scene" 意味
  8. "harsh sentence" 意味
  9. "harsh situation" 意味
  10. "harsh repression" 意味
  11. "harsh reprisal" 意味
  12. "harsh rhetoric" 意味
  13. "harsh scene" 意味

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