have abnormal bleeding from 意味

  • ~からの異常{いじょう}な出血{しゅっけつ}を来す



  1. "have a zit on one's face" 意味
  2. "have a zizz" 意味
  3. "have ability" 意味
  4. "have ability to match designs" 意味
  5. "have able representation in the conference" 意味
  6. "have abnormal lung function" 意味
  7. "have abnormalities in the basal ganglia of the brain" 意味
  8. "have about one" 意味
  9. "have about-face on" 意味
  10. "have ability to match designs" 意味
  11. "have able representation in the conference" 意味
  12. "have abnormal lung function" 意味
  13. "have abnormalities in the basal ganglia of the brain" 意味

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