- 憲法{けんぽう}を支える基本的{きほんてき}な考え方に影響{えいきょう}を与える
have an impact on the fundamental ideas that support the constitution 意味
- "have an impact on entrance examinations" 意味
- "have an impact on millions of people" 意味
- "have an impact on one's physical health" 意味
- "have an impact on one's work" 意味
- "have an impact on shaping someone's character" 意味
- "have an impact on the immune system" 意味
- "have an impact on the mid- and long-term expansion of employment" 意味
- "have an impact on the way people live" 意味
- "have an impaired kaliuretic response to" 意味
- "have an impact on one's work" 意味
- "have an impact on shaping someone's character" 意味
- "have an impact on the immune system" 意味
- "have an impact on the mid- and long-term expansion of employment" 意味