however , they were not really heart-to-heart friends , and takakage told his close vassals ' do not let the chikushi daimyo (japanese feudal lord , refers to josui here ) use our resting room even if he asked to do so ' right before his death . もっとも腹蔵ない友人かというとそうでもなく、隆景は死の直前に「筑紫大名(如水のこと)が休息地を求めても貸すな」と周囲に諭している。
it does not have a central sutra because of the principle of furyumonji (the thought that the status of enlightenment cannot be expressed in characters or discourses ) and emphasizes shishi sosho (transmission of the teachings and the way of buddhism from a teacher to a disciple ) because of the principle of transmission of spiritual awakening without words or characters and in a heart-to-heart way . 不立文字を原則とするため中心的経典を立てず、教外別伝を原則とするため師資相承を重視する。
it is called hoshi in the zen sect , in which they claim that it was daruma who was the twenty-eighth founder of fuhozo (those who , after shakyamuni buddha ' s death , successively inherited the lineage of his teachings and propagated them in india ) that succeeded the kyogai betsuden teaching (transmission of spiritual awakening without words or characters , but in a heart-to-heart way ) from shakamuni to makakasho , through intuitive discernment from generation to generation . 禅宗では法嗣といい、釈迦 - 摩訶迦葉へと伝えられた教外別伝の法を、代々受け継いだ付法蔵の第28祖が達磨であったと主張した。
at heart: at heart 腹中 ふくちゅう 根っから ねっから at the heart of: ~の中心{ちゅうしん}に、心臓部{しんぞうぶ}で At the heart of this theory is imagination. この理論の中心は想像力である。 by heart: そらで、暗記して heart: heart n. 心臓; 心, 胸; 勇気. 【動詞+】 affect the heart in a good way 心臓によい影響を及ぼす The news broke her heart. その知らせで悲嘆に暮れた It breaks my heart to see her so unhappy. 彼女があんなにも不幸なのを見ると心が痛む heart is in: 《someone's ~》(人)が~に関心を持っている heart is not in: 《someone's ~》~に興味がない heart of: ~の中心、~の心臓部{しんぞうぶ} in heart: 楽しい気分で、元気で、元気よく、(土地が)肥えて in the heart: in the heart 肚裏 とり 内心 ないしん in the heart of: ~の中心に、奥深いところで to the heart of: ~の中核{ちゅうかく}に heart to heart: 腹を割って、腹蔵{ふくぞう}なく I would like to chat with my daughter heart to heart. 私は、自分の娘と腹を割った話がしたい。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {名} : -----------------communion of heart with heart: 心と心のふれあい have a heart-to-heart talk: ひざを交えて話する、腹を割って話し合う、胸襟を開いて語る、心ゆくまで話し合う have a heart-to-heart talk with: (人)とひざを交えて話する、(人)と腹を割って話し合う、(人)と胸襟を開いて語る、(人)と心ゆくまで話し合う