held responsible for one's actions 意味

  • 《be ~》自らの行動{こうどう}に対する責任{せきにん}を問われる



  1. "held over to the next regular diet session"の英語
  2. "held peacefully under the surveillance of"の英語
  3. "held prisoner in"の英語
  4. "held responsible for"の英語
  5. "held responsible for management"の英語
  6. "held responsible for the content of any message"の英語
  7. "held responsible for this worrying situation"の英語
  8. "held scoreless by middle relievers"の英語
  9. "held scoreless by the opponents' middle relievers"の英語
  10. "held responsible for"の英語
  11. "held responsible for management"の英語
  12. "held responsible for the content of any message"の英語
  13. "held responsible for this worrying situation"の英語

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