saiinshi (having a higher court rank than the others and different names of shitokan from the others .) 斎院司(官位が他より高く四等官の名称も異なる)
the villagers had no money to make an appeal to a higher court , so they provoked a revolt and murdered the officer and his family . 再審の費用の無い村人は暴動を起こし、戸長一家を殺害した。
hin (also pronounced , mime; a mistress ): no more than four ladies; and a lady in this position should be the daughter of noble who was a gomi (a fifth court rank ) or higher court ranking . 嬪(ひん/みめ)…4名以内、5位以上(貴族)の娘
kannin at fifth rank or above had privileges of onni to receive court ranks for their family members , and of receiving paddy fields and the like; and those at higher court ranks had bigger privileges . 五位以上には親族に位階を賜る蔭位の特典や田地の下賜などがあり、さらに官位が昇るにつれて特典が大きくなった。
when contrasted with kunto (order of merit ), it corresponds to kunnito (order of second class ), and those with shoshiinojo sangi (councilor ) and jusanmi or higher court ranks were considered kugyo or kandachime (court noble ). 勲等との対比では勲二等に比例し、正四位上参議及び従三位以上の官位にある者を公卿、上達部とした。