horse 意味

発音記号: [ hɔ:s ]発音を聞く   horseの例文


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  1. you show the sheriff your teeth there , show horse .
    お前の歯で 馬のショーを見せてやれ
  2. you can still smell the horse piss . wait , don't put it ...!
  3. you come down out of that pass without a horse ?
    あんたは馬なしでその小径を下って 来た?
  4. that the prince on the white horse really exists .
    白馬の王子様って 実在するんだあ って
  5. he's a good horse for a cart if you had one .
    荷車には もってこいの馬 - 一頭いれば...


        on a horse:    馬に乗って
        horse and horse:    〈米俗〉五分五分{ごぶ ごぶ}で、対等{たいとう}で
        dark horse (horse racing):    dark horse (horse racing) 大穴 おおあな
        (of a horse) to be gagged:    (of a horse) to be gagged 枚を銜む ばいをふくむ
        (on a horse) a fetlock:    (on a horse) a fetlock 蹴爪 けづめ
        a high horse:     a [one's] hígh hórse (上位の人による)高慢な態度,いばりちらすこと;立腹 get on one's high ~ いばる;腹を立てる/ come [get] (down) off one's high ~ いばらなくなる.
        a horse load:    a horse load 一駄 いちだ
        a sweating horse:    a sweating horse 汗馬 かんば
        arab (horse):    Arab (horse) アラビア馬 アラビアうま
        arabian horse:    アラブ馬、アラビア馬、アラブ種
        army horse:    army horse 軍馬 ぐんば
        as healthy as a horse:    馬のように健康{けんこう}で、健康そのもので
        as hungry as a horse:    腹がペコペコで
        as strong as a horse:    (馬のように)極めて頑健{がんけん}な He looks (as) strong as a horse, but he is actually quite sickly. 彼はとても丈夫に見えるが、実際はかなり病気がちなのだ。
        bamboo horse:    bamboo horse 竹馬 たけうま ちくば


  1. "hors d'oeuvre" 意味
  2. "hors d'oeuvres" 意味
  3. "hors de combat" 意味
  4. "hors texte" 意味
  5. "horsbrugh" 意味
  6. "horse & rider" 意味
  7. "horse a carriage" 意味
  8. "horse a child on one's back" 意味
  9. "horse about" 意味
  10. "hors texte" 意味
  11. "horsbrugh" 意味
  12. "horse & rider" 意味
  13. "horse a carriage" 意味

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