hot-water heating system
温水暖房{おんすい だんぼう}システム
hot water heating system
accelerated hot water heating
: accelerated hot water heating 加速温水暖房法[機械]; 加速温水暖房[機械]
hot water heating
hot-water heating
: 温水暖房{おんすい だんぼう}
hot-oil heating system
: hot-oil heating system 熱油加熱方式[化学]
water heating system
: 温水装置{おんすい そうち}
hot water service system
: hot water service system 温水管装置[機械]
hot water supply system
: 温水供給{おんすい きょうきゅう}システム
hot water system
hot-water system
: 暖房用配管
solar hot water system
: ソーラー給湯{きゅうとう}システム
water heating
: 温水暖房{おんすい だんぼう}
heating system
: 暖房装置{だんぼう そうち}、暖房方式{だんぼう ほうしき}
hot air heating
hot blast heating
: 温風暖房{おんぷう だんぼう}
"hot-water dispenser" 意味
"hot-water funnel" 意味
"hot-water handle" 意味
"hot-water heater" 意味
"hot-water heating" 意味
"hot-water hose" 意味
"hot-water kettle" 意味
"hot-water method" 意味
"hot-water of the desired temperature" 意味
"hot-water heater" 意味
"hot-water heating" 意味
"hot-water hose" 意味
"hot-water kettle" 意味
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