hot-water 意味

  • {形} : 温水{おんすい}の、熱湯{ねっとう}の


  1. the place at which the pipe and hot-water bath section come together is slightly separated and built to enable the circulation of heated water .
  2. in october , 416 , in order to resolve a confusion in the uji-kabane system (the system of clans and hereditary titles ) among various clans , the emperor carried out kugatachi ordeal (also known as kukatachi or kukadachi , which refers to hot-water ordeal ) at amakashi no oka hill in asuka .


        hot water:    hot water お湯 おゆ 湯 ゆ
        in hot water:    苦境{くきょう}にある She must be in hot water because she looks tense this morning. 彼女は今朝ピリピリしているので、厳しい立場にいるに違いない。
        in hot water with:    ~と面倒{めんどう}なことになって、~とトラブって Paul got in hot water with the coach when he missed three practices in a row. ポールは続けて3回練習を休んで、コーチと面倒なことになっているんだよ。
        (addition of) hot water:    (addition of) hot water 差し湯 さしゆ
        accelerated hot water heating:    accelerated hot water heating 加速温水暖房法[機械]; 加速温水暖房[機械]
        blow on hot water to cool it:    吹いてお湯を冷ます
        boiling hot water:    熱湯{ねっとう}、沸騰水、煮え立った湯
        burning hot water:    熱湯{ねっとう}
        burnt with hot water:    《be ~》熱湯{ねっとう}でやけどする
        chilled/hot water storage:    chilled/hot water storage 水蓄熱[機械]〈93B8624:氷蓄熱システム用語〉; 冷温水蓄熱[機械]〈93B8624:氷蓄熱システム用語〉
        dissolve sugar in hot water:    砂糖{さとう}を湯に溶かす
        electric hot-water pot:    電気湯沸{でんきゆわ}かしポット
        electrical hot-water pot:    電気湯沸{でんきゆわ}かしポット
        fill the bathtub with hot water:    浴槽{よくそう}[風呂{ふろ}]に湯を張る[入れる?ためる]
        fuel for hot water:    給湯用燃料{きゅうとう よう ねんりょう}


  1. "hot-tempered person" 意味
  2. "hot-top mold" 意味
  3. "hot-tub" 意味
  4. "hot-tub therapy" 意味
  5. "hot-type plug" 意味
  6. "hot-water bag" 意味
  7. "hot-water bath" 意味
  8. "hot-water boiler" 意味
  9. "hot-water bottle" 意味
  10. "hot-tub therapy" 意味
  11. "hot-type plug" 意味
  12. "hot-water bag" 意味
  13. "hot-water bath" 意味

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