picked: picked 精鋭 せいえい corpse: corpse n. 死体, しかばね. 【動詞+】 abandon a corpse 死体を遺棄する They buried the corpse. 死体を埋めた The coffin contained the victim's corpse. その棺には犠牲者の遺体がおさめられていた The police broke down the wseminarian who had heard his calling: 神の声を聞いた神学生 volatility that someone has had throughout his career: (人)が現役{げんえき}だったころの気性{きしょう}の激しさ in pieces: in pieces バラバラ 千々に 千千に ちぢに pieces: pieces 切れ切れ きれぎれ 片片 へんぺん to pieces: {1} : (物が破壊{はかい}されて)バラバラに、粉々{こなごな}に、切れ切れに、ズタズタに、細かく -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : すっかり、とことん、完全{かんぜん}に had: HAD {略-1} : hemadsorption (赤)血球吸着(現象) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {略-2} : Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale 病院不安およびうつ尺度、HADS尺度◆不安had to: 思わず~してしまった "Why did you do that?" "Sorry, I had to try." 「どうしてそんなことしたの?」「ごめん。思わずやってしまいました」 suicide of a junior high school student who had been the victim of bullying by his classmates: 同級生のいじめによる中学生の自殺 freshly picked: freshly picked 新鋭 しんえい freshly-picked: {形} : 採れ立ての、新鋭の_ The supermarket uses technology to keep its shelves full of freshly-picked organic fruits and vegetables. get picked on: いじめられる He began to get picked on in fifth grade because he was new to the school and was quiet. 彼は5年生のときに転校してきておとなしかったのでいじめられ始めた。 hand picked: hand-picked: