hyper-acute directional hearing 意味

  • <→HYPERACUTE directional hearing>


        acute hearing:    優れた聴力{ちょうりょく}
        hyperacute directional hearing:    高精度{こうせいど}の音源定位{おんげん ていい}
        have acute hearing:    聴覚が鋭い
        hyper-acute purulent conjunctivitis:    
        hyper-acute rejection:    
        hyper-acute type of rejection:    
        directional:    {名} : (車の)方向指示器{ほうこう しじき} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {形-1} : 方向{ほうこう}の ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        hearing:     hearing n. 聴力; 聴取; 聞いてやること; 発言の機会; 〔法律〕 審問. 【動詞+】 The court adjourned the hearing till…. 裁判所は…まで審問を延期した arrange a court hearing 法廷審問を取り決める attend a preliminary hearing 予審に出席する
        acute:     acute adj. 鋭い. 【副詞】 have keenly acute hearing 明敏な鋭い聴覚をもつ make a remarkably acute observation about… …について驚くほど鋭い所見を述べる. 【+前置詞】 He was very acute in his criticisms of the book. そ
        acute...:    acute... 鋭形[医生]; 急性[医生]
        hyper:    hyper ハイパー
        hyper-:    hyper- 超 ちょう
        hyper-on:    {名} :
        bi directional:    


  1. "hyper-active presence of" 意味
  2. "hyper-active thyroid gland" 意味
  3. "hyper-activity" 意味
  4. "hyper-acusia" 意味
  5. "hyper-acusis" 意味
  6. "hyper-acute purulent conjunctivitis" 意味
  7. "hyper-acute rejection" 意味
  8. "hyper-acute type of rejection" 意味
  9. "hyper-adenosis" 意味
  10. "hyper-acusia" 意味
  11. "hyper-acusis" 意味
  12. "hyper-acute purulent conjunctivitis" 意味
  13. "hyper-acute rejection" 意味

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