if acceptable 意味

  • (意見{いけん}?提案{ていあん}?依頼{いらい}など)同意{どうい}[了解{りょうかい}?受け入れ可能]であれば


        acceptable:     acceptable adj. 受け入れられる, 許容できる; 喜ばれる, 結構な; どうやら容認できる. 【副詞】 Praise is always acceptable. 称賛は常に歓迎されるものだ Smoking remains completely acceptable here. ここでは喫煙がまだ完全に認められている The proposals
        as if it's acceptable:    好ましい[容認{ようにん}される]ものであるかのように
        not acceptable:    not acceptable 頂けない いただけない
        not acceptable to:    《be ~》(人)のメガネに適わない
        acceptable alternative:    受け入れられる代案{だいあん}
        acceptable answer:    歓迎{かんげい}すべき返答{へんとう}
        acceptable approximation:    許容{きょよう}できる近似値{きんじち}
        acceptable behavior:    是認{ぜにん}される行動{こうどう}
        acceptable business:    手形引受業{てがた ひきうけぎょう}
        acceptable change:    受容{じゅよう}できる変化{へんか}
        acceptable concentration:    許容濃度{きょよう のうど}
        acceptable condition:    容認{ようにん}できる条件{じょうけん}
        acceptable currency:    公認通貨
        acceptable deadline:    何とかなりそうな[間に合いそうな]期限{きげん}
        acceptable dose:    容認{ようにん}できる線量{せんりょう}


  1. "if a three mile island-like event suddenly occurs, there's no time to do a mathematical simulation of the situation" 意味
  2. "if a visiting arrangement can be made for" 意味
  3. "if a visiting arrangement could be made for" 意味
  4. "if a wrestler scores 12 or more points, the judges may terminate the match" 意味
  5. "if absolutely necessary" 意味
  6. "if additional information is required" 意味
  7. "if adequate and sensible precautions were taken" 意味
  8. "if adequately frozen" 意味
  9. "if adjustments are necessary" 意味
  10. "if a wrestler scores 12 or more points, the judges may terminate the match" 意味
  11. "if absolutely necessary" 意味
  12. "if additional information is required" 意味
  13. "if adequate and sensible precautions were taken" 意味

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