immediately concerned 意味

  • 《be ~》直接関係{ちょくせつ かんけい}する


        all those immediately concerned:    直接関係{ちょくせつ かんけい}する人全員
        party immediately concerned:    直接{ちょくせつ}の関係者{かんけいしゃ}◆複数人の場合は parties
        immediately:     immediately adv. ただちに, すぐに. 【+前置詞】 immediately after his arrival 彼の到着後ただちに the period immediately before the festival of… …祭の直前の期間 She sat immediately behind me. 私のすぐ後ろにすわった
        concerned:    {形-1} : 心配{しんぱい}そうな、心配{しんぱい}[懸念{けねん}?危ぐ]している、気遣っている、憂慮{ゆうりょ}している -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {形-2} : 関係{かんけい}[関与{かんよ}]している The police gathered th
        concerned in:    《be ~》~に関係がある、関与している
        concerned that:    《be ~》(that 以下)を懸念{けねん}する、(that 以下)との見方{みかた}を強める
        concerned to:    《be ~》~しようと願う、~しようと努める
        concerned with:    《be ~》~に関係{かんけい}している、携わっている、~に関心{かんしん}がある The TV program is concerned with hunger in the Third World. そのテレビ番組は第三世界での飢餓に関するものだ。
        almost immediately:    ほぼすぐに
        arrest immediately:    現行犯逮捕する
        available immediately:    即日入居可能
        die immediately:    即死{そくし}する、~の直後{ちょくご}に死亡{しぼう}する He died immediately. 彼は即死した。
        effective immediately:    即時発効になって
        evacuate immediately:    直ちに避難する All residents must evacuate immediately. Attention all residents, you must evacuate this area immediately. Everyone must evacuate this area immediately. He will lose his eye unless he's evac
        immediately above:    真上{まうえ}に


  1. "immediately behind" 意味
  2. "immediately below" 意味
  3. "immediately beneath" 意味
  4. "immediately call and tell someone off" 意味
  5. "immediately carrying out (a plan)" 意味
  6. "immediately consider reinstatement" 意味
  7. "immediately convene an emergency summit" 意味
  8. "immediately dispatched from" 意味
  9. "immediately distinguishable" 意味
  10. "immediately call and tell someone off" 意味
  11. "immediately carrying out (a plan)" 意味
  12. "immediately consider reinstatement" 意味
  13. "immediately convene an emergency summit" 意味

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