in a bun 意味

  • 束髪{そくはつ}に結って


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. unexpectedly i would like to offer a bun in a bun
  2. in mikkyo it is shaped as a child with its hair tied in a bun (髻 ), which conveys a pure mind .
  3. the mainstream male hairstyle was hittsume (hair tightly pulled back in a bun ), whose shape was close to ichomage (a hairstyle like a fan , like a leaf of the sacred gingko tree ).
  4. many sculptures of male deities have a hairstyle of mizura (wearing one ' s hair in a bun on each side of the head ) or put on a crown; some sculptures of female deities wear juni-hitoe (twelve-layered ceremonial kimono ).
  5. when girls between 10 and 19 years old wear chigomage , it often becomes similar to momoware (literally , split peach; female hair style in kimono that the bun is split and a red fabric woven in the center ) or ichogaeshi (the hair done up in a bun shaped like two leaves of the ginkgo tree ).


        bun:    bun n. (1) (通例干しぶどう入りの薄甘の)丸い小さなパン, バン. 【形容詞 名詞+】 a cinnamon bun シナモン入りのバン a cream bun クリームバン a hamburger bun ハンバーガー(用の)バン a (hot) cross bun (Good Friday に食べる)十字架の型を押した甘パン.
        bun bun:    {名} :
        bun-bun:    {名} : 尻{しり}
        bun (hairstyle):    bun (hairstyle) 髷 まげ
        bun buster:    {名} :
        bun duster:    {名} :
        bun fight:    {名} :
        bun foot:    バンフット
        bun in the oven:    〈豪俗〉妊娠して◆【同】pregnant
        bun puncher:    禁酒家{きんしゅ か}
        bun struggle:    {名} :
        bun-buster:    {名} : 〈米俗〉どえらい任務{にんむ}
        bun-duster:    {名} : 女っぽい男、女性的{じょせいてき}な男
        bun-fight:    {名} : 〈英俗〉ティーパーティー、お茶会{ちゃかい}
        bun-struggle:    {名} : 〈英俗〉ティーパーティー、お茶会{ちゃかい}


  1. "in a broad sense" 意味
  2. "in a broad spectrum of" 意味
  3. "in a broad way" 意味
  4. "in a brown" 意味
  5. "in a brown study" 意味
  6. "in a bunch" 意味
  7. "in a bundle" 意味
  8. "in a buoyant mood" 意味
  9. "in a burst of abandon i started singing at the top of my voice" 意味
  10. "in a brown" 意味
  11. "in a brown study" 意味
  12. "in a bunch" 意味
  13. "in a bundle" 意味

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