unexpectedly i would like to offer a bun in a bun 思わず饅頭でもお供えしたくなるくらい
in mikkyo it is shaped as a child with its hair tied in a bun (髻 ), which conveys a pure mind . 密教では清浄な精神を表す童子形となり、髻を結う。
the mainstream male hairstyle was hittsume (hair tightly pulled back in a bun ), whose shape was close to ichomage (a hairstyle like a fan , like a leaf of the sacred gingko tree ). 男性の髪型は、ひっつめで、後の銀杏髷に近い形が主流。
many sculptures of male deities have a hairstyle of mizura (wearing one ' s hair in a bun on each side of the head ) or put on a crown; some sculptures of female deities wear juni-hitoe (twelve-layered ceremonial kimono ). 男神像の髪型は角髪または冠をかぶった衣冠装束が多く、女神像は十二単を着用しているものもある。
when girls between 10 and 19 years old wear chigomage , it often becomes similar to momoware (literally , split peach; female hair style in kimono that the bun is split and a red fabric woven in the center ) or ichogaeshi (the hair done up in a bun shaped like two leaves of the ginkgo tree ). 10代の少女の場合は桃割れや銀杏返しに類似した髪形となる場合も多い。