there was expressions likening a sexual activity between a man and woman to ' matsuri ' in a phrase of joruri (dramatic narrative chanted to a shamisen accompaniment ) and in a book of zappai (playful literature originating from haiku [a japanese poem in seventeen syllables having a 5-7-5 syllabic form and traditionally containing a reference to the seasons ]) (haiku collected in the streets ) called yanagidaru (box-shaped , lacquered liquor cask ) (written as 柳樽 and also as 柳多留 in chinese characters ) in the edo period . 江戸時代の浄瑠璃の一節や柳樽(やなぎだると読み、柳多留とも表記する)という雑俳(巷から集めた俳句)の書籍のなかに「祭り」を男女の性行為の例えとして用いている表現がある。
in terms of the war , an old saying ' life is heavier than mount taishan in a sense , and lighter than a feather of a stork in another sense ' was put in a phrase ' keep it in mind that justice is heavier than a mountain and life is lighter than a feather of a stork ,' that was an order meaning ' do not waste life usually , but sometimes die for justice , for example for emperor and the state ' (cf . senjinkun military code says , " do not live as a captive to be subjected to humiliating treatment " , and the senjinkun idea of denying surrender ), though why it was rephrased is unclear . 戦いに於いては「義は山嶽より重く死は鴻毛より軽しと心得よ」と、「死は或いは泰山より重く或いは鴻毛より輕し」という古諺を言換え、「普段は命を無駄にせず、けれども時には義のため、喩えば天皇のため国のために、命を捨てよ」と命じた物とされる(戦陣訓『生きて虜囚の辱を受けず』、戦陣訓降伏・投降の否定の思想を参照)が、換言の意図は不明である。
edo was a place where people changed the word ' sukibei ' that originally meant ' a man of refined taste ' or simply meant ' a dilettante ' into ' sukebei ' with the new meaning ' lecherous ,' which is the etymology of the modern word ' sukebe ' meaning ' a lecher , and coined from a japanese word of chinese origin ' junroku ' that means ' a placid person who is ignorant of the world ' the new word ' jinroku ' with the meaning ' a dunce ' in a phrase ' the eldest sons is proverbially a dunce ,' for example . なにしろ、そもそもは「風流を好む人」または単に「好事家」という意味だった「好き兵衛」(すきべえ)という語を「助平」(すけべい)と読んで、意味も「好色な」と変えてしまったり(これが「スケベ」の語源)、「おっとり者で世間知らず」という意味の「順禄」(じゅんろく)という漢語を「甚六」(じんろく)と読んで「総領の甚六」という新語を作ってしまうのがお江戸である。