in a phrase 意味

  • ひと口に言えば


  1. in a phrase that i will never forget .
  2. there was expressions likening a sexual activity between a man and woman to ' matsuri ' in a phrase of joruri (dramatic narrative chanted to a shamisen accompaniment ) and in a book of zappai (playful literature originating from haiku [a japanese poem in seventeen syllables having a 5-7-5 syllabic form and traditionally containing a reference to the seasons ]) (haiku collected in the streets ) called yanagidaru (box-shaped , lacquered liquor cask ) (written as 柳樽 and also as 柳多留 in chinese characters ) in the edo period .
  3. in terms of the war , an old saying ' life is heavier than mount taishan in a sense , and lighter than a feather of a stork in another sense ' was put in a phrase ' keep it in mind that justice is heavier than a mountain and life is lighter than a feather of a stork ,' that was an order meaning ' do not waste life usually , but sometimes die for justice , for example for emperor and the state ' (cf . senjinkun military code says , " do not live as a captive to be subjected to humiliating treatment " , and the senjinkun idea of denying surrender ), though why it was rephrased is unclear .
  4. edo was a place where people changed the word ' sukibei ' that originally meant ' a man of refined taste ' or simply meant ' a dilettante ' into ' sukebei ' with the new meaning ' lecherous ,' which is the etymology of the modern word ' sukebe ' meaning ' a lecher , and coined from a japanese word of chinese origin ' junroku ' that means ' a placid person who is ignorant of the world ' the new word ' jinroku ' with the meaning ' a dunce ' in a phrase ' the eldest sons is proverbially a dunce ,' for example .


        in phrase:    流行中のフレーズ◆【注意】この in は形容詞
        in the phrase of:    ~の言葉{ことば}を借りて[引用{いんよう}して]言えば
        phrase:     1phrase n. 言い回し, 言葉, 言葉づかい; 名言; 〔文法〕 句, 成句, 熟語; 〔音楽〕 楽句. 【動詞+】 abbreviate a phrase 語句を短縮する to adopt Shakespeare's phrase シェイクスピアの句を借りて言えば avoid trite and hackneyed phrases 陳腐な文句
        (musical) phrase:    (musical) phrase 楽句 がっく
        (phrase) sure:    (phrase) sure 違いない 違い無い ちがいない
        (phrase) when:    (phrase) when 際して さいして
        abbreviate a phrase:    語句{ごく}を短縮{たんしゅく}する
        adjectival phrase:    形容詞句{けいようし く}
        adjective phrase:    形容詞句{けいようし く}
        adnominal phrase:    連体句{れんたい く}
        adpositional phrase:    接置詞句{せっちし く}
        adverb phrase:    副詞句{ふくし く}
        adverbial phrase:    副詞句{ふくし く}
        apt phrase:    適切{てきせつ}な表現{ひょうげん}[言葉{ことば}]
        as the phrase goes:    諺[格言]にもあるとおり、諺[たとえ]に言うとおり、俗にいうように As the [proverb, phrase] goes [runs, says], "Better late than never". ことわざにもあるとおり、遅くとも来ないよりはましだ。


  1. "in a pet about" 意味
  2. "in a phase of" 意味
  3. "in a phase of rapid growth towards" 意味
  4. "in a phased manner" 意味
  5. "in a phenomenon called liquefaction due to the earthquake" 意味
  6. "in a physiological sense" 意味
  7. "in a pickle" 意味
  8. "in a pickup sense" 意味
  9. "in a pickwickian sense" 意味
  10. "in a phased manner" 意味
  11. "in a phenomenon called liquefaction due to the earthquake" 意味
  12. "in a physiological sense" 意味
  13. "in a pickle" 意味

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