- (動物{どうぶつ}などが)襲い掛かろうとする体勢{たいせい}で
A coyote was in a pounce position near a rabbit. コヨーテがウサギのそばで襲い掛かろうと身構えていた。
in a pounce position 意味
- "in a post-industrial society, there are new needs to be met" 意味
- "in a posterior direction" 意味
- "in a posture of repose" 意味
- "in a posture of submission" 意味
- "in a posture of surrender" 意味
- "in a powdery state" 意味
- "in a practical manner" 意味
- "in a practical sense" 意味
- "in a practiced manner" 意味
- "in a posture of submission" 意味
- "in a posture of surrender" 意味
- "in a powdery state" 意味
- "in a practical manner" 意味