in analogy with 意味

  • ~と同様{どうよう}に


        analogy:     analogy n. 類似; 類推. 【動詞+】 The relationship of Chinese to Korean has often been compared to that of Latin to the Romance languages, but the analogy should not be carried too far. 中国語と朝鮮語との関係はしば
        analogy with:    ~との類推{るいすい}
        by analogy with:    ~から類推して
        on the analogy of:    ~から類推して
        analogy process:    類似方法{るいじ ほうほう}、類推方法{るいすい ほうほう}
        analogy test:    類推{るいすい}テスト
        apt analogy:    適切{てきせつ}な類推{るいすい}
        close analogy:    close analogy よい類推[化学]
        colburn analogy:    Colburn analogy コルバーンのアナロジー[基礎]
        derivational analogy:    誘導類推{ゆうどう るいすい}
        euphonic analogy:    音調{おんちょう}の類似{るいじ}
        false analogy:    誤った類推{るいすい}
        hydraulic analogy:    hydraulic analogy 流体力学的類似[基礎]
        learning by analogy:    learning by analogy 類推による学習[電情]〈99X0031:情報処理用語―人工知能―機械学習〉
        make the analogy of:    ~の例えを用いて説明{せつめい}する


  1. "in an upsweep" 意味
  2. "in an urgent and thorough manner" 意味
  3. "in an urgent case" 意味
  4. "in an urgent voice" 意味
  5. "in anaerobic condition" 意味
  6. "in ancient days" 意味
  7. "in ancient rome it was a custom to kill a messenger bearing bad news" 意味
  8. "in ancient style" 意味
  9. "in ancient thought" 意味
  10. "in an urgent voice" 意味
  11. "in anaerobic condition" 意味
  12. "in ancient days" 意味
  13. "in ancient rome it was a custom to kill a messenger bearing bad news" 意味

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