in compassion 意味

  • 同情{どうじょう}して


  1. we all , i think , believe in compassion .
  2. why ? because in compassion , when we feel with the other
    何故でしょう それは他人を思いやる時
  3. as being one that is grounded in compassion .
  4. why don't we train our health care providers in compassion


        compassion:     compassion n. 同情, あわれみ. 【動詞+】 arouse compassion 同情心を生じさせる He showed no self-pity and asked for no compassion. いっさい自己憐憫(れんびん)を示さず, 同情も求めなかった He demonstrated no compassion. 同情を示さな
        compassion for:    ~への思いやり、~への深い同情
        with compassion:    慈悲深い心をもって
        arouse compassion:    同情心{どうじょう しん}を生じさせる
        bankrupt of compassion:    《be ~》思いやりに欠けている
        bowels of compassion:    哀れみ、同情心{どうじょう しん}
        compassion fatigue:    《医》共感疲労{きょうかん ひろう}
        compassion for others:    他人{たにん}への思いやり
        day of compassion:    〈米〉同情{どうじょう}の日◆毎年6月21日
        display compassion for:    《display the [one's] compassion for》~への思いやりを見せる
        drop of compassion:    《a ~》少々の同情
        excite compassion:    憐憫{れんびん}の情を起こさせる
        express compassion:    同情{どうじょう}の気持ち{きもち}を表現{ひょうげん}する
        feel compassion:    同情{どうじょう}する、気の毒に思う
        feel compassion for:    (人)に同情{どうじょう}する、(人)を気の毒に思う


  1. "in comparison" 意味
  2. "in comparison to" 意味
  3. "in comparison with" 意味
  4. "in comparison with last year" 意味
  5. "in comparison with most first novels, hers shows considerable polish" 意味
  6. "in compensation for" 意味
  7. "in compensation for someone's injury" 意味
  8. "in competition with" 意味
  9. "in competition with other rivals" 意味
  10. "in comparison with last year" 意味
  11. "in comparison with most first novels, hers shows considerable polish" 意味
  12. "in compensation for" 意味
  13. "in compensation for someone's injury" 意味

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