in dread of 意味

発音を聞く:   in dread ofの例文
  • ~を心配して、~を絶えず恐れて
    Many people in Japan live in dread of earthquakes. 日本のたくさんの人々は地震を恐れて住んでいる。


  1. even though jihe himself wrote the vows , gozaemon who knew jihe ' s usual irresponsibility was still skeptical of jihe , and came to kamiya in dread of osan .


        dread:     1dread n. 恐怖. 【動詞+】 allay one's dread 恐怖を静める A sudden pain in his chest aroused his dread of premature death. 突然の胸の痛みで早死にへの恐怖が生じた The rumors brought dread of another eruption. そ
        to dread:    to dread 怖がる 恐がる こわがる
        awaken with dread:    恐怖{きょうふ}[不安{ふあん}]で目を覚ます
        dread failure:    失敗を恐れる
        dread of failure:    失敗{しっぱい}に対する恐れ
        dread of the grave:    死の恐怖
        dread shame:    恥を恐れる
        dread the darkness:    暗闇{くらやみ}を恐れる
        dread the grave:    死を恐れる
        dread the sight of:    ~を見るのを恐れる
        dread the thought of:    ~を思って恐れる[おびえる]
        dread traveling:    旅行{りょこう}を嫌がる
        feeling of dread:    恐怖感{きょうふかん}
        have a dread of:    ~が嫌いである、~が大の苦手である、~が怖い、~を恐れる
        high dread:    {形} :


  1. "in draft form" 意味
  2. "in drag" 意味
  3. "in dramatic form" 意味
  4. "in drawing" 意味
  5. "in drawing up legal documents it is vital to be fully explicit" 意味
  6. "in dread overnight" 意味
  7. "in dreadful shape" 意味
  8. "in dreams" 意味
  9. "in dribbles" 意味
  10. "in drawing" 意味
  11. "in drawing up legal documents it is vital to be fully explicit" 意味
  12. "in dread overnight" 意味
  13. "in dreadful shape" 意味

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