eby missionary returned to canada after this due to being low in funds . その後、資金難のためイビイ宣教師はカナダへ帰国。
in 1894 , due to being low in funds , he stopped holding special services at chuo kaido . 明治27年(1894年)、資金不足のため、中央会堂の特別事業停止。
japanese foreign bond spiked on the international market , and japan raised over 1 billion yen in funds between the second and fourth issuance (to put the amount raised by foreign bonds into relative perspective , the amount raised was greater than the japan ' s gdp , which was 700 million yen ). 国際市場で日本外債は急騰し、第2次から第4次の外債発行により、合計で10億円超の資金を調達した(当時の国家予算は約7億円)。