in funds 意味

発音を聞く:   in fundsの例文
  • 《be ~》手元{てもと}に金がある、(資)金を持っている、金回りがよい


  1. eby missionary returned to canada after this due to being low in funds .
  2. in 1894 , due to being low in funds , he stopped holding special services at chuo kaido .
  3. japanese foreign bond spiked on the international market , and japan raised over 1 billion yen in funds between the second and fourth issuance (to put the amount raised by foreign bonds into relative perspective , the amount raised was greater than the japan ' s gdp , which was 700 million yen ).


        funds:    funds 資本 しほん 資金 しきん 元手 もとで 金子 きんす
        no funds:    資金なし、預金残高なし
        a provider of funds:    a provider of funds 金穴 きんけつ
        abandoned funds:    放棄資金{ほうき しきん}
        absorption of funds:    資金吸収{しきん きゅうしゅう}
        accommodation of funds:    融資{ゆうし}
        additional funds:    追加資金{ついか しきん}
        advance of funds:    融資{ゆうし}
        allocate funds:    資金{しきん}を充当{じゅうとう}する、資金{しきん}を配分{はいぶん}する
        allocate funds for:    ~に資金{しきん}を充当{じゅうとう}する、~に資金{しきん}を配分{はいぶん}する
        allocation of funds:    資金の割り当て
        ample funds:    潤沢{じゅんたく}な資金{しきん}
        amplitude of funds:    十分{じゅうぶん}な資金{しきん}
        appeal for funds:    資金{しきん}を募る、資金募集{しきん ぼしゅう}
        as funds permit:    予算{よさん}が許せば、予算{よさん}に応じて


  1. "in full view of the audience, he removed all his clothes" 意味
  2. "in full wing" 意味
  3. "in full working order" 意味
  4. "in fuller detail" 意味
  5. "in fun" 意味
  6. "in funereal silence" 意味
  7. "in funny sort of way" 意味
  8. "in furious fighting over six days the casualties on both sides were enormous. 6" 意味
  9. "in further detail" 意味
  10. "in fuller detail" 意味
  11. "in fun" 意味
  12. "in funereal silence" 意味
  13. "in funny sort of way" 意味

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